Thursday, January 12, 2012

Totally Random Thursday

Yes!! another totally random day. (lets make the T-days totally random days shall we? ) Anywho, its snowing today...not just normal snow but a gross sleety mix of the white stuff. I am NOT a fan of the white stuff in this form. I like the nice fluffy stuff!

SO i decided to scour the blogs today and look for things to brighten up my mood.

This we know I love my kitchens!! I also love black and white and old wood floors

someday (hopefully soon) I will have an office I can use for my design work. I like this way of organizing. Colorful!

This cute little guy and his big  loaf of bread. Adorbs

Essies Spring 2012 collection. I LOVE them all and will be purchasing for the spring and summer

Im debating if I should rent this is amazing!! but does it go with everything the way black and brown does?

YUMMS...peanut butter cup cookies. B would love these

Personalized spoons

take a good look at this!! this reminds me of a friends country  home from childhood. P had this amazing bedroom nook. I am a HUGE reader of books and anything literary. I covet a space like this!!

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This is how i spent last summer.....I love reading outside and this picture made me happy. reminded me of the best summer of my life so far

Kitties and turquoise....FAVE

and dosnt this look like a great little party spot? what a view!

 SO yes totally random but maybe not so random. Lovely things to take me through Thursday! I wish it was Friday, its a 3-day weekend this weekend. HAPPY HAPPY

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