Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Im Engaged!!!!

yes you heard correctly! I, Amanda Elizabeth Traver and getting married. To the most amazing man I know. He makes me the happiest woman in the world and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him!
If you know me at all, you know that I am already in full-on planning mode....even though the big day is something like over 500 days away( May-June 2013 we believe)
I am undecided on color, I know I have so much time to decide all of this stuff, but I am super excited to start!
I cant explain how amazing it feels to be engaged to someone you love so much. I know that the rest of my life I get to spend all the important things with the love of my life.
Here is what I'm thinking so far:

The Flowers:

I'm thinking blue hydrangea...they are my fave!

these flowers for a summer wedding are beautiful

if i go with my classic black and white, i am loving stripes

The Decor:
Classic Black and White

The Table:

Im loving the idea of long square tables insted of round.

The Hair:

The Dress:

Sorry but you wont see the dress until the big day...i have many ideas:

All of the above are in the style that I want my wedding to be. I am undecided on the colors but so far I know in my head what I want it to look like.

Stay tuned for more wedding inspiration.


  1. Amanda, I am sure your wedding will be the event of the year, I wish you a lot of love always.

    oxox Linda
